You received the Notice because your business may have purchased Packaged Tuna (canned or pouched tuna) directly from one or more of the Defendants from June 1, 2011 through July 31, 2015. You have the right to know about your rights and options in the proposed Settlements. *
The Court in charge of this case is the United States District Court for the Southern District of California (the “Court”). The case is called In Re: Packaged Seafood Products Antitrust Litigation, No. 15-md-2670 DMS (MSB), MDL No. 2670.
Certain Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs―the named Class Representatives: Olean Wholesale Grocery Cooperative, Inc., Pacific Groservice Inc. d/b/a PITCO Foods, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Co., Inc., Howard Samuels as Trustee in Bankruptcy for Central Grocers, Inc., Trepco Imports and Distribution Ltd., and Benjamin Foods LLC―sued on behalf of a certified class. The companies they sued are called the Defendants and include Tri Union Seafoods LLC d/b/a Chicken of the Sea International (“COSI”), Thai Union Group PCL (“TUG”), Bumble Bee Foods LLC (“Bumble Bee”), StarKist, DWI, and Lion Capital LLP, Lion Capital (Americas), Inc., and Big Catch Cayman LP (collectively, the “Lion Companies”).
Settlements have been reached with StarKist, DWI, and the Lion Companies (collectively, the "Settling Defendants"). A settlement was also reached previously with COSI and TUG (“COSI/TUG Settlement”). Bumble Bee went bankrupt.
* This lawsuit is only on behalf of direct purchasers of Packaged Tuna, that is, entities such as retailers, wholesalers, and distributors that bought Packaged Tuna directly from one or more of the Defendants. There are separate class actions brought on behalf of indirect purchasers (i.e., persons who did not purchase directly from the Defendants), including consumers and commercial food preparers.